Law Schools - Blockers To Innovation?

The legal tech industry saw discussions on lawyer wellness interventions, AI use in law schools, adaptive firm governance models, copyright law debates, privacy compliance enforcement, and advancements in AI for legal tasks.

Law Schools - Blockers To Innovation?

Welcome to your Law Tech briefing for July 24th, 2023, covering what happened in legal tech recently.

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  1. Law firms need to prioritize wellness initiatives to combat professional burnout. These initiatives not only promote a healthier work environment but can also increase overall productivity and the longevity of their employees' careers.
  2. Traditional partnership governing models in law firms need to be revisited to adapt to advancements in legal technology. These outdated structures can inhibit quick decision-making and prevent the adoption of innovative technologies and transformative ideas.
  3. The exploration and ethical application of AI within the legal profession offers the potential to revolutionize areas such as case management, contract review, and legal research. However, tech adoption should be carried out responsibly, bearing in mind the debates around originality, authenticity, and privacy compliance.


Here's what happened in LegalTech recently. It included wellness interventions for battling profession-induced stress in lawyers, implications of generative AI application in law schools, potential changes in law firm governing models to accommodate tech advances, debates over copyright law, privacy compliance inquiries from California's top law enforcement official, and the latest advancements in AI-enabled solutions transforming the legal industry.


One prominent trend that continues to gain traction is wellness initiatives aimed to counter burnout among lawyers. These rejuvenating retreats are becoming increasingly recognized as invaluable assets for the legal workforce, increasing both productivity and durability. In other news, the attitudes of different law schools towards the use of AI in applications were highlighted. With Michigan prohibiting its use to detect authenticity and UC Berkeley not implementing any specific ban, the discourse on AI and originality yielded interesting debates. Moreover, the perennial tension between copyright law framework and artistic creativity was magnified in the Hollywood context. As the adaptation of AI technology creates new challenges, the need for artists to harness new technology becomes more prevalent, as demonstrated by artist Grimes. Last but not least, the continued monitoring of CCPA compliance by California's Attorney General's office reaffirms the state's commitment to rigorous enforcement of privacy laws.


The recent spotlight on wellness and mental health interventions for lawyers underscores the legal industry's recognition of the toll the profession can take on practitioners. The law remains consistently among the top careers for burnout, and these retreats could prove to be a promising remedy. On the governance front, the traditional partnership model prevalent in the majority of law firms can restrict decision-making speed, inhibit bold decisions, and prevent the adoption of transformative ideas, emphasizing the need for more agile governing models. The barring of AI usage in application essays incites interesting discourse on the technology's implications on originality and the importance of authenticity. Depending on the input given by the student, the AI quality will differ, making the decision of whether to employ it incredibly subjective. With respect to the application of AI in the legal industry, potential ethical concerns and practical challenges need careful navigation, despite the benefits that the technology may offer. However, with responsible and ethical use, there is immense potential for AI to revolutionize the legal industry, enhancing efficiency and accuracy in case management, contract review, and legal research.


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Key stories

T14 Law School Bans ChatGPT From Admissions Process In Weird Self-Own (Technology Archives - Above the Law)

The University of Michigan Law School's decision to ban the use of generative AI in personal statements by prospective students has sparked debate. The school says it wants to ensure that submitted writing materials reflect the traits and abilities of aspiring attorneys rather than an AI's simulation of them. Critics argue that the policy does not make sense given that applicants have unlimited time to craft their statements and likely run them past multiple editors, mirroring the collaborative process often seen in the legal profession. It is argued that any exaggeration of accomplishments by an AI β€” if condoned and submitted by the student β€” is the student's responsibility, not the AI's. The debate is further nuanced by the potential role of AI in leveling the playing field for applicants of varying socioeconomic statuses and the looming advancements in AI technology.

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The Importance of a Wellness Retreat for Attorneys (Attorney at Work)

The article underscores the significance of wellness retreats for lawyers to cope with their profession's stress and burnout. It argues that these retreats can enhance mental and physical health, rejuvenate law practice, increase productivity, and strengthen stress management. It also guides lawyers on how to plan a wellness retreat, emphasizing that prioritizing wellness is essential for personal and professional development.

Don’t Let Your Law Firm Get Over-Lawyered To Death (Technology Archives - Above the Law)

The legal industry is facing challenges due to generative AI and generational shifts. The traditional partnership model in law firms often slows decision-making and resists transformative ideas. To stay competitive, law firms need to adopt governance models that encourage quick, bold decisions, embrace risk and change, and foster trust. This change is crucial to keep up with industry trends and to avoid lagging behind more agile corporate entities.

Stop Rushing To Copyright As A Tool To β€˜Solve’ The Problems Of AI (Technology Archives - Above the Law)

The article debates the effectiveness of copyright law in protecting artists in the AI era, particularly in Hollywood. It argues that such laws may favor studios and publishers over creators. It suggests that artists should adopt new technology for more creative and profitable outcomes, highlighting the example of artist Grimes who profited from sharing her AI-powered voice.

California AG investigating business compliance with data privacy law (Legal Dive - Latest News)

California Attorney General Rob Bonta is investigating businesses for compliance with the state's Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), focusing on employee data handling. This follows previous investigations into mobile app businesses and a settlement with Sephora over non-disclosure of personal data sales. The Attorney General's office has created a website to display responses to noncompliance notices. The California Privacy Protection Agency may also enforce CCPA, despite a recent court ruling limiting new regulations.

How Artificial Intelligence is Revolutionizing & Transforming the Legal Technology Landscape (Ward Blawg)

The article discusses the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to transform the legal industry by optimizing case management, research, and contract review. It highlights the emergence of AI-driven tools due to the increasing complexity and volume of legal data. Applications of AI in legal work include contract analytics, legal research, chatbots, due diligence, and workflow automation. However, the article also notes the challenges and ethical issues related to AI adoption in the legal field, concluding that responsible use of AI could greatly benefit the future of legal tech.