Law Tech Daily (May 29): Adapting to the Future of Work

The legal profession faces critical questions amid technology's impact. Trends include AI adoption, remote work dynamics, and legal tech advancements. The analysis explores opportunities and challenges for legal teams.

Welcome to your daily briefing for May 29. Here's what happened in Legal Tech over the weekend.

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Have less than a 1 min? Here are three pragmatic takeaways from yesterday:

  1. Embrace AI Tools and Generative AI Models: Explore the growing adoption of AI-powered tools and generative AI models in the legal industry to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and reduce costs. Consider integrating AI tools for tasks like contract review, e-discovery, and legal research to enhance productivity.
  2. Adapt to Remote Work Dynamics: Recognize the shift towards remote work accelerated by the pandemic and the premium placed on flexibility and technology, especially by younger attorneys. Invest in infrastructure, training, and resources to support remote teams and find innovative ways to foster collaboration and maintain firm culture in a virtual environment.
  3. Embrace Legal Tech Advancements: Stay updated on significant advancements in the legal tech market, such as unified legal technology solutions like ELTEMATE. Consider investing in AI-powered solutions, like contract review tools and matter management solutions, to streamline workflows and improve efficiency within your in-house legal team.

By proactively embracing AI, adapting to remote work, and leveraging legal tech advancements, legal knowledge workers can position themselves and their firms to thrive in the evolving legal landscape, meeting client demands for efficiency, personalized solutions, and upholding professional standards.

In today's legal landscape, the role of lawyers and the use of technology are raising existential questions for the legal industry. The rise of alternative business structures, paraprofessional certification programs, and AI models like ChatGPT is challenging the traditional monopoly of lawyers. The integration of artificial intelligence into legal practices is becoming increasingly important, with major players in the industry already incorporating AI tools. Additionally, the pandemic has accelerated the push for remote work in the legal field, posing challenges for firms to adapt to changing work dynamics.


  1. Embracing AI and Generative AI Tools: The legal industry is witnessing a growing adoption of AI-powered tools and generative AI models. These technologies offer opportunities to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and reduce costs. AI tools are being used for tasks such as contract review, e-discovery, and legal research. Generative AI tools like ChatGPT-4 are empowering lawyers to design personalized continuing legal education (CLE) programs, revolutionizing the traditional approach to professional development.
  2. Changing Dynamics of Work: The pandemic has fueled the shift towards remote work in the legal industry. Younger attorneys, in particular, are placing a premium on flexibility and technology. Law firms are facing challenges in adapting to remote work, including building infrastructure to support remote teams and finding new ways to foster collaboration and firm culture in a virtual environment. Adapting quickly to the changing dynamics of work is crucial for firms to remain competitive.
  3. Legal Tech Advancements: The legal technology market is witnessing significant advancements. Law firms are investing in AI-powered solutions to enhance their capabilities. One notable development is the launch of ELTEMATE by Hogan Lovells, a legal technology brand that aims to unify the firm's technology offerings. ELTEMATE provides AI enhancements, including contract review tools and matter management solutions, to help in-house legal teams streamline workflows and improve efficiency.


The legal industry is at a critical juncture where the adoption of technology and adaptation to changing work dynamics are becoming imperative. While AI and generative AI tools present tremendous opportunities, there are challenges to consider. The potential benefits of AI in streamlining legal processes and reducing costs must be balanced with concerns about job displacement and ethical considerations, such as bias in decision-making. Law firms must carefully navigate these challenges to harness the power of technology while upholding professional standards fully.

The pandemic has accelerated the shift towards remote work, posing both opportunities and challenges for law firms. While remote work offers flexibility and potential cost savings, firms must invest in infrastructure, training, and resources to support remote teams. Building strong team connections and maintaining firm culture in a virtual environment is crucial for success.

The legal tech market continues to evolve, with advancements in AI, automation, and contract lifecycle management. The launch of ELTEMATE by Hogan Lovells reflects the growing emphasis on unified legal technology solutions. Integrating AI into legal workflows improves contract analysis, matter management, and regulatory compliance. However, careful consideration must be given to data security, privacy, and the need for human expertise to ensure the reliability and ethical use of these technologies.

As the legal industry embraces technology and adapts to the changing landscape, law firms that proactively invest in AI, remote work infrastructure, and innovative legal tech solutions will be well-positioned to thrive. The ability to leverage AI tools effectively, foster a flexible work environment, and meet client demands for efficiency and personalized solutions will be key differentiators in the future of the legal industry.

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Tomorrow Is Here (Again) (Above the Law)

In the rapidly changing legal landscape, law firms are facing critical strategic decisions. The integration of AI and generative AI models like ChatGPT is challenging the traditional role of lawyers, raising questions about the necessity of human attorneys. Major players in the legal field are already incorporating AI tools, and firms need to understand and leverage large language model AI to stay competitive. Additionally, the pandemic has highlighted the viability of remote work, with younger attorneys seeking flexibility and technology integration. Law firms must adapt to remote work dynamics, invest in infrastructure, and find innovative ways to build firm culture in a virtual environment. Embracing change and agility is crucial for law firms to thrive, as the pace of change in the legal and business world continues to accelerate. Law firm management needs to be proactive, adaptable, and embrace new technologies and operational models. Cultivating cultures that identify problems, reach consensus quickly, and act decisively will be key to navigating the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

M&A deals require largest outside counsel teams (Legal Dive - Latest News)

A report from LexisNexis CounselLink reveals that mergers and acquisitions (M&A) matters require larger outside counsel teams compared to other legal issues. On average, there are nine law firm attorneys billing on M&A matters, with the potential for as many as 17 billing lawyers. M&A matters with significant spending between $500,000 and $1 million involve an average of 19 billing lawyers, while those exceeding $1 million typically include 33 billing attorneys. The report highlights that M&A work is considered highly strategic and mission-critical, resulting in higher legal spend. Partners working on M&A deals charge higher rates, with the median partner hourly rate reaching $955 in 2022, a 6.4% increase from the previous year. The largest law firms handle the majority of M&A work, contributing to their market share growth in the U.S. legal industry. Corporate matters have the second-largest outside counsel teams, averaging five lawyers, followed by commercial and contracts work and regulatory and compliance work, with an average of four external attorneys billing per matter. The analysis included lawyer titles such as partners, associates, and other counsel, covering a database of over $52 billion in legal spending, 420,000 timekeepers, and 1.4 million matters.

Hogan Lovells launches own legal tech brand ELTEMATE: Here’s what that means in practice (Legal IT Insider)

Global law firm Hogan Lovells has launched ELTEMATE, a new technology brand that consolidates its legal technology offerings into one unified team. ELTEMATE aims to enhance the firm's legal tech products and consulting services by combining them under a single entity. The launch signifies Hogan Lovells' commitment to providing practical solutions and improving client experiences. The brand offers a range of AI solutions, including the Regulatory Scraper, a proprietary AI algorithm that automates the collection and processing of regulatory updates. ELTEMATE also includes a Risk Assessment Tool and various apps. The team behind ELTEMATE comprises more than 40 professionals, including software engineers, AI and data science experts, eDiscovery specialists, and individuals with a legal background. It's important to note that ELTEMATE does not provide legal advice, which will continue to be offered through Hogan Lovells.

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One Of The Best Generative AI Products In Legal Rumored To Be In Acquisition Talks Worth ‘Hundreds Of Millions’ (Legal Tech Monitor)

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The Attorney at Work 2023 Podcast Survey Report (Attorney at Work)

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Legal Innovation as a Service, Now Enhanced with AI (Legal Tech Monitor)

The author, a legal technology expert, has been teaching AI and law-related courses at Michigan State University and the University of Michigan Law School. Through his experiments primarily with ChatGPT and Notion AI, he has been exploring the potential of AI in personal productivity and innovation. The author plans to incorporate AI into his Legal Innovation as a Service product, using "human in the middle" AI helper tools to enhance its quality and value without compromising confidentiality. He will be testing these tools with new orders from customers and keeping the price of the service flat to evaluate and improve the tools. The author's focus is on transformative innovation for law departments but is open to considering other customers in the legal field. The Kennedy Idea Propulsion Laboratory, the author's project, aims to foster innovation and creativity in the legal industry. To stay updated and access useful resources, individuals can follow the author's microblog on Twitter and download a free PDF guide on successful innovation outcomes in law. The community offers an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and stay ahead in legal innovation.

The future of lawyer competence: Self-directed, AI-generated, customized CPD (Jordan Furlong)

The Supreme Court of Georgia's Lawyer Competency Task Force questioned the effectiveness of mandatory continuing legal education (CLE) and concluded that there is no scientific evidence supporting its value in improving lawyers. While the Task Force recommended scaling back CLE rather than eliminating it, the author argues that CLE is an empty gesture and suggests replacing it with self-directed continuing professional development (CPD) programs. The author highlights the difficulty in designing customized CPD programs to meet individual lawyer needs. However, the emergence of generative AI, such as ChatGPT-4, offers the potential for personalized learning sessions and improved lawyer competence. The author encourages lawyers to explore the capabilities of generative AI and envision a future where self-directed learning replaces traditional mass-produced CLE programming, leading to enhanced professional development in the legal field.

Hogan Lovells launches own legal tech brand ELTEMATE: Here’s what that means in practice (Legal Tech Monitor)

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Hogan Lovells Launches ELTEMATE, a Tech Subsidiary Combining Lawyers, Engineers, AI Specialists (Legal Tech Monitor)

Legaltech company ELTEMATE has partnered with global law firm Hogan Lovells to develop and host its legal tech tools. ELTEMATE's CEO, Sebastian Lach, has stated that artificial intelligence will be the foundation of the subsidiary's projects. The legal industry is increasingly turning to AI for tasks such as document review and contract analysis, as it can help to speed up processes and reduce errors. By partnering with ELTEMATE, Hogan Lovells will be able to offer its clients cutting-edge legal tech tools that are powered by AI. This move demonstrates the law firm's commitment to staying ahead of the curve when it comes to legal technology.

How Poker Can Make Lawyers Better Negotiators (Legal Tech Monitor)

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Deepfakes Are Coming to Courts. Are Judges, Juries and Lawyers Ready? (Legal Tech Monitor)

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Legal Moves Fast on AI—For Once (Legal Tech Monitor)

The use of generative AI in the legal industry was a hot topic at this year's CLOC Global Institute. While there were discussions about the potential benefits of using this technology, there were also conversations about the risks and challenges that come with it. Generative AI has the ability to automate tasks and streamline processes, but it also raises concerns about data privacy, security, and the potential for bias in decision-making. The legal industry must carefully consider these risks and challenges before fully embracing generative AI. Overall, the discussions at the CLOC Global Institute suggest that while generative AI has tremendous potential, it is important to approach it with caution and a thorough understanding of its implications.

Communicate with Law Firm Clients Without Breaching Confidentiality (Legal Tech Monitor)

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Partners Aren’t Making It Rain At This Biglaw Firm — They’re Making It Monsoon (Above the Law)

The latest Am Law 200 ranking revealed that only one Second Hundred firm managed to crack the Top 20 list for profits per equity partner, a metric usually dominated by Am Law 100 firms. The answer to the trivia question of the day is not provided in this blog post chunk, but readers can find it on the next page. The post also highlights that AI models like ChatGPT are drawing public attention and state lawmakers are taking notice. The blog post is written by Staci Zaretsky, a senior editor at Above the Law, who invites readers to connect with her on LinkedIn or Twitter and share their tips, questions, comments, or critiques.

Sometimes Clients Call Lawyers Just To Chat (Above the Law)

Lawyers often develop strong connections with clients beyond their professional relationship. These connections can extend beyond the resolution of legal matters, with clients reaching out for non-legal reasons or simply to chat. However, maintaining boundaries can be challenging when clients mix socializing with the attorney-client relationship. An attorney advises handling such situations by not charging for social communications or only charging for legal discussions during those calls. While it is beneficial for lawyers to have friendly connections with clients, it is essential to differentiate between social interactions and legal services. Clear boundaries should be set, especially in cases where flat-fee arrangements have ended, to ensure client expectations align with the attorney-client relationship. Lawyers are encouraged to navigate these interactions while being mindful of maintaining a comfortable and professional balance between socializing and providing legal services.