From Concept to Launch: The Story of Law Tech Daily

Law Tech Daily answers "What happened in legal tech yesterday?" in 10 minutes or less each weekday.

From Concept to Launch: The Story of Law Tech Daily

Ever felt like you're standing at the edge of a vast ocean of legal tech news, unsure where to dive in? You start your day intending to skim the surface, only to find yourself lost in a whirlpool of articles, blog posts, and newsletters. It's not just the volume but the challenge of sifting through the noise to find what truly matters. If this resonates with you, then you're in the right place.

Law Tech Daily answers, "What happened in legal tech yesterday?" in 10 minutes or less each weekday.

Despite the legal industry's reputation for moving slower than a tortoise on vacation, the news cycle is more like a cheetah on a caffeine high. It's fast, it's furious, and it's a full-time job trying to keep up.

That's where Law Tech Daily comes in.

We're the brainchild of Fringe Legal, backed by a team of AI Ninjas (yes, you read that right, AI ninjas!). We asked ourselves a simple question: "What happened in legal tech yesterday?" And we wanted to provide a solution allowing you to answer that question in 10 minutes or less each day.

Why? Because we get it. Your time is precious. You could spend your day reading and analyzing or doing the work that lights your fire. As the pace of innovation in legal tech accelerates, staying informed is more important than ever. But it's not just about consuming content - it's about extracting the juicy bits, identifying trends, and understanding how they impact you and your work.

So, we rolled up our sleeves and created Law Tech Daily.

We provide a daily briefing (every weekday), curated and condensed to deliver the most pertinent legal tech news straight to your inbox.

But we didn't stop there.

Not everyone has the time to read, so each briefing is also available as a podcast. Now, you can catch up on the latest in legal tech while taking your morning walk, waiting for your coffee to brew, or even while doing your best downward dog (we're all about that work-life balance).

Law Tech Daily is more than just a news source - it's your daily dose of legal tech, served up in a way that fits your busy lifestyle.

So, buckle up, stay tuned, and most importantly, stay excited about the future of legal tech.